/* Copyright (C)2007-2013 Xiph.Org Foundation File: picture.c Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "picture.h" #include "unicode_support.h" static const char BASE64_TABLE[64]={ 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' }; /*Utility function for base64 encoding METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tags. Stores BASE64_LENGTH(len)+1 bytes in dst (including a terminating NUL).*/ static void base64_encode(char *dst, const char *src, int len){ unsigned s0; unsigned s1; unsigned s2; int ngroups; int i; ngroups=len/3; for(i=0;i>2]; dst[4*i+1]=BASE64_TABLE[(s0&3)<<4|s1>>4]; dst[4*i+2]=BASE64_TABLE[(s1&15)<<2|s2>>6]; dst[4*i+3]=BASE64_TABLE[s2&63]; } len-=3*i; if(len==1){ s0=(unsigned char)src[3*i+0]; dst[4*i+0]=BASE64_TABLE[s0>>2]; dst[4*i+1]=BASE64_TABLE[(s0&3)<<4]; dst[4*i+2]='='; dst[4*i+3]='='; i++; } else if(len==2){ s0=(unsigned char)src[3*i+0]; s1=(unsigned char)src[3*i+1]; dst[4*i+0]=BASE64_TABLE[s0>>2]; dst[4*i+1]=BASE64_TABLE[(s0&3)<<4|s1>>4]; dst[4*i+2]=BASE64_TABLE[(s1&15)<<2]; dst[4*i+3]='='; i++; } dst[4*i]='\0'; } /*A version of strncasecmp() that is guaranteed to only ignore the case of ASCII characters.*/ static int oi_strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, int n){ int i; for(i=0;i='a'&&aval<='z') { aval-='a'-'A'; } if(bval>='a'&&bval<='z'){ bval-='a'-'A'; } diff=aval-bval; if(diff){ return diff; } } return 0; } static int is_jpeg(const unsigned char *buf, size_t length){ return length>=3&&memcmp(buf,"\xFF\xD8\xFF",3)==0; } static int is_png(const unsigned char *buf, size_t length){ return length>=8&&memcmp(buf,"\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A",8)==0; } static int is_gif(const unsigned char *buf, size_t length){ return length>=6 &&(memcmp(buf,"GIF87a",6)==0||memcmp(buf,"GIF89a",6)==0); } #define READ_U32_BE(buf) \ (((buf)[0]<<24)|((buf)[1]<<16)|((buf)[2]<<8)|((buf)[3]&0xff)) /*Tries to extract the width, height, bits per pixel, and palette size of a PNG. On failure, simply leaves its outputs unmodified.*/ static void extract_png_params(const unsigned char *data, size_t data_length, opus_uint32 *width, opus_uint32 *height, opus_uint32 *depth, opus_uint32 *colors, int *has_palette){ if(is_png(data,data_length)){ size_t offs; offs=8; while(data_length-offs>=12){ opus_uint32 chunk_len; chunk_len=READ_U32_BE(data+offs); if(chunk_len>data_length-(offs+12))break; else if(chunk_len==13&&memcmp(data+offs+4,"IHDR",4)==0){ int color_type; *width=READ_U32_BE(data+offs+8); *height=READ_U32_BE(data+offs+12); color_type=data[offs+17]; if(color_type==3){ *depth=24; *has_palette=1; } else{ int sample_depth; sample_depth=data[offs+16]; if(color_type==0)*depth=sample_depth; else if(color_type==2)*depth=sample_depth*3; else if(color_type==4)*depth=sample_depth*2; else if(color_type==6)*depth=sample_depth*4; *colors=0; *has_palette=0; break; } } else if(*has_palette>0&&memcmp(data+offs+4,"PLTE",4)==0){ *colors=chunk_len/3; break; } offs+=12+chunk_len; } } } /*Tries to extract the width, height, bits per pixel, and palette size of a GIF. On failure, simply leaves its outputs unmodified.*/ static void extract_gif_params(const unsigned char *data, size_t data_length, opus_uint32 *width, opus_uint32 *height, opus_uint32 *depth, opus_uint32 *colors, int *has_palette){ if(is_gif(data,data_length)&&data_length>=14){ *width=data[6]|data[7]<<8; *height=data[8]|data[9]<<8; /*libFLAC hard-codes the depth to 24.*/ *depth=24; *colors=1<<((data[10]&7)+1); *has_palette=1; } } /*Tries to extract the width, height, bits per pixel, and palette size of a JPEG. On failure, simply leaves its outputs unmodified.*/ static void extract_jpeg_params(const unsigned char *data, size_t data_length, opus_uint32 *width, opus_uint32 *height, opus_uint32 *depth, opus_uint32 *colors, int *has_palette){ if(is_jpeg(data,data_length)){ size_t offs; offs=2; for(;;){ size_t segment_len; int marker; while(offs=data_length||(marker>=0xD8&&marker<=0xDA))break; /*RST* (restart markers): skip (no segment length).*/ else if(marker>=0xD0&&marker<=0xD7)continue; /*Read the length of the marker segment.*/ if(data_length-offs<2)break; segment_len=data[offs]<<8|data[offs+1]; if(segment_len<2||data_length-offs0xC0&&marker<0xD0&&(marker&3)!=0)){ /*Found a SOFn (start of frame) marker segment:*/ if(segment_len>=8){ *height=data[offs+3]<<8|data[offs+4]; *width=data[offs+5]<<8|data[offs+6]; *depth=data[offs+2]*data[offs+7]; *colors=0; *has_palette=0; } break; } /*Other markers: skip the whole marker segment.*/ offs+=segment_len; } } } #define IMAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) static unsigned char *opeint_read_picture_file(const char *filename, const char *description, int *error, size_t *size, size_t *offset) { FILE *picture_file; size_t cbuf; size_t nbuf; size_t data_offset; unsigned char *buf; picture_file=opeint_fopen(filename,"rb"); /*Buffer size: 8 static 4-byte fields plus 2 dynamic fields, plus the file/URL data. We reserve at least 10 bytes for the media type, in case we still need to extract it from the file.*/ data_offset=32+strlen(description)+10; buf=NULL; /*Complicated case: we have a real file. Read it in, attempt to parse the media type and image dimensions if necessary, and validate what the user passed in.*/ if(picture_file==NULL){ *error = OPE_CANNOT_OPEN; return NULL; } nbuf=data_offset; /*Add a reasonable starting image file size.*/ cbuf=data_offset+65536; for(;;){ unsigned char *new_buf; size_t nread; new_buf=realloc(buf,cbuf); if(new_buf==NULL){ fclose(picture_file); free(buf); *error = OPE_ALLOC_FAIL; return NULL; } buf=new_buf; nread=fread(buf+nbuf,1,cbuf-nbuf,picture_file); nbuf+=nread; if(nbuf0x7FFFFFFFU)cbuf=0xFFFFFFFFU; else cbuf=cbuf<<1|1; } *size = nbuf; *offset = data_offset; return buf; } static int validate_picture_type(int picture_type, int seen_file_icons) { if (picture_type > 20) return 0; if(picture_type>=1&&picture_type<=2&&(seen_file_icons&picture_type)) return 0; return 1; } /*Parse a picture SPECIFICATION as given on the command-line. spec: The specification. error_message: Returns an error message on error. seen_file_icons: Bit flags used to track if any pictures of type 1 or type 2 have already been added, to ensure only one is allowed. Return: A Base64-encoded string suitable for use in a METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tag.*/ static char *opeint_parse_picture_specification_impl(unsigned char *buf, size_t nbuf, size_t data_offset, int picture_type, const char *description, int *error, int *seen_file_icons){ opus_uint32 width; opus_uint32 height; opus_uint32 depth; opus_uint32 colors; const char *mime_type; char *out; size_t data_length; size_t b64_length; int has_palette; *error = OPE_OK; if (picture_type < 0) picture_type=3; if (!validate_picture_type(picture_type, *seen_file_icons)) { *error = OPE_INVALID_PICTURE; return NULL; } if (buf == NULL) return NULL; data_length=nbuf-data_offset; /*Try to extract the image dimensions/color information from the file.*/ width=height=depth=colors=0; has_palette=-1; { if(is_jpeg(buf+data_offset,data_length)){ mime_type="image/jpeg"; extract_jpeg_params(buf+data_offset,data_length, &width,&height,&depth,&colors,&has_palette); } else if(is_png(buf+data_offset,data_length)){ mime_type="image/png"; extract_png_params(buf+data_offset,data_length, &width,&height,&depth,&colors,&has_palette); } else if(is_gif(buf+data_offset,data_length)){ mime_type="image/gif"; extract_gif_params(buf+data_offset,data_length, &width,&height,&depth,&colors,&has_palette); } else{ *error = OPE_INVALID_PICTURE; return NULL; } } /*These fields MUST be set correctly OR all set to zero. So if any of them (except colors, for which 0 is a valid value) are still zero, clear the rest to zero.*/ if(width==0||height==0||depth==0)width=height=depth=colors=0; if(picture_type==1&&(width!=32||height!=32 ||strlen(mime_type)!=9 ||oi_strncasecmp("image/png",mime_type,9)!=0)){ *error = OPE_INVALID_ICON; return NULL; } /*Build the METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE buffer. We do this backwards from data_offset, because we didn't necessarily know how big the media type string was before we read the data in.*/ data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,(unsigned long)data_length); data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,colors); data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,depth); data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,height); data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,width); data_offset-=strlen(description); memcpy(buf+data_offset,description,strlen(description)); data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,strlen(description)); data_offset-=strlen(mime_type); memcpy(buf+data_offset,mime_type,strlen(mime_type)); data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,strlen(mime_type)); data_offset-=4; WRITE_U32_BE(buf+data_offset,picture_type); data_length=nbuf-data_offset; b64_length=BASE64_LENGTH(data_length); out=(char *)malloc(b64_length+1); if(out!=NULL){ base64_encode(out,(char *)buf+data_offset,data_length); if(picture_type>=1&&picture_type<=2)*seen_file_icons|=picture_type; } else { *error = OPE_ALLOC_FAIL; } return out; } char *opeint_parse_picture_specification(const char *filename, int picture_type, const char *description, int *error, int *seen_file_icons){ size_t nbuf; size_t data_offset; unsigned char *buf; char *ret; if (picture_type < 0) picture_type=3; if (!validate_picture_type(picture_type, *seen_file_icons)) { *error = OPE_INVALID_PICTURE; return NULL; } if (description == NULL) description = ""; buf = opeint_read_picture_file(filename, description, error, &nbuf, &data_offset); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; ret = opeint_parse_picture_specification_impl(buf, nbuf, data_offset, picture_type, description, error, seen_file_icons); free(buf); return ret; } char *opeint_parse_picture_specification_from_memory(const char *mem, size_t size, int picture_type, const char *description, int *error, int *seen_file_icons){ size_t nbuf; size_t data_offset; unsigned char *buf; char *ret; if (picture_type < 0) picture_type=3; if (!validate_picture_type(picture_type, *seen_file_icons)) { *error = OPE_INVALID_PICTURE; return NULL; } if (description == NULL) description = ""; data_offset=32+strlen(description)+10; nbuf = data_offset + size; buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(nbuf); if (buf == NULL) { *error = OPE_ALLOC_FAIL; return NULL; } memcpy(buf+data_offset, mem, size); ret = opeint_parse_picture_specification_impl(buf, nbuf, data_offset, picture_type, description, error, seen_file_icons); free(buf); return ret; }