//-------- Modplug Tracker key binding definition file ------- //-Format is: - //- Context:Command ID:Modifiers:Key:KeypressEventType //Comments - //---------------------------------------------------------------------- version:1 //----( Global Context (0) )------------ 0:1347:2:78:1 //File/New: Ctrl+N (KeyDown) 0:1346:2:79:1 //File/Open: Ctrl+O (KeyDown) 0:1349:2:83:1 //File/Save: Ctrl+S (KeyDown) 0:1030:0:116:1 //Play song/Pause song: F5 (KeyDown) 0:1031:0:119:1 //Pause song: F8 (KeyDown) 0:1375:0:27:1 //Stop Song: ECHAP (KeyDown) 0:1029:0:117:1 //Play song from start: F6 (KeyDown) 0:1027:0:118:5 //Play pattern from start: F7 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 0:1026:2:118:5 //Play pattern from cursor: Ctrl+F7 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 0:1376:2:120:1 //Toggle Midi Record: Ctrl+F9 (KeyDown) 0:1359:2:90:1 //Undo: Ctrl+Z (KeyDown) 0:1360:2:88:1 //Cut: Ctrl+X (KeyDown) 0:1361:2:67:1 //Copy: Ctrl+C (KeyDown) 0:1361:2:45:1 //Copy: Ctrl+INS (KeyDown) 0:1362:2:86:1 //Paste: Ctrl+V (KeyDown) 0:1362:1:45:1 //Paste: Shift+INS (KeyDown) 0:1364:2:53:1 //SelectAll: Ctrl+( (KeyDown) 0:1365:2:70:1 //Find: Ctrl+F (KeyDown) 0:1366:0:114:1 //Find Next: F3 (KeyDown) 0:1021:4:71:1 //View General: Alt+G (KeyDown) 0:1022:4:80:1 //View Pattern: Alt+P (KeyDown) 0:1023:4:83:1 //View Samples: Alt+S (KeyDown) 0:1024:4:78:1 //View Instruments: Alt+N (KeyDown) 0:1025:1:120:1 //View Comments: Shift+F9 (KeyDown) 0:1368:2:113:1 //Toggle Tree View: Ctrl+F2 (KeyDown) 0:1369:2:112:1 //View Options: Ctrl+F1 (KeyDown) 0:1670:2:116:1 //View Channel Manager: Ctrl+F5 (KeyDown) 0:1669:2:117:1 //View 'Add Plugin' Window: Ctrl+F6 (KeyDown) 0:1370:0:112:1 //Help (to do): F1 (KeyDown) 0:1032:2:191:5 //Previous instrument: Ctrl+: (KeyDown|KeyHold) 0:1032:2:38:1 //Previous instrument: Ctrl+HAUT (KeyDown) 0:1033:2:106:5 //Next instrument: Ctrl+* (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown|KeyHold) 0:1033:2:40:1 //Next instrument: Ctrl+BAS (KeyDown) 0:1036:0:191:5 //Previous octave: : (KeyDown|KeyHold) 0:1037:0:106:5 //Next octave: * (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown|KeyHold) 0:1034:2:37:5 //Previous order: Ctrl+GAUCHE (KeyDown|KeyHold) 0:1035:2:39:5 //Next order: Ctrl+DROITE (KeyDown|KeyHold) //----( General Context [bottom] (1) )------------ //----( Pattern Context [bottom] (2) )------------ 2:1017:0:34:1 //Jump down by highlight1: PG.SUIV (KeyDown) 2:1018:0:33:1 //Jump up by highlight1: PG.PREC (KeyDown) 2:1338:4:34:1 //Jump down by highlight2: Alt+PG.SUIV (KeyDown) 2:1339:4:33:1 //Jump up by highlight2: Alt+PG.PREC (KeyDown) 2:1340:6:34:5 //Snap down to highlight2: Ctrl+Alt+PG.SUIV (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1341:6:33:5 //Snap up to highlight2: Ctrl+Alt+PG.PREC (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1038:0:40:5 //Navigate down: BAS (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1039:0:38:1 //Navigate up: HAUT (KeyDown) 2:1040:0:37:5 //Navigate left: GAUCHE (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1041:0:39:5 //Navigate right: DROITE (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1042:0:9:1 //Navigate to next channel: TAB (KeyDown) 2:1043:1:9:1 //Navigate to previous channel: Shift+TAB (KeyDown) 2:1044:0:36:1 //Go to first channel: ORIGINE (KeyDown) 2:1045:2:36:1 //Go to first row: Ctrl+ORIGINE (KeyDown) 2:1046:6:36:1 //Go to first row of first channel: Ctrl+Alt+ORIGINE (KeyDown) 2:1047:0:35:1 //Go to last channel: FIN (KeyDown) 2:1048:2:35:1 //Go to last row: Ctrl+FIN (KeyDown) 2:1049:6:35:1 //Go to last row of last channel: Ctrl+Alt+FIN (KeyDown) 2:1011:2:76:1 //Select channel / Select all: Ctrl+L (KeyDown) 2:1003:0:13:1 //Quick copy: ENTREE (KeyDown) 2:1004:0:32:5 //Quick paste: ESPACE (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1001:2:32:1 //Enable recording: Ctrl+ESPACE (KeyDown) 2:1002:2:13:5 //Play row: Ctrl+ENTREE (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1317:4:18:1 //Set row jump on note entry: Alt (KeyDown) 2:1685:2:9:1 //Switch to order list: Ctrl+TAB (KeyDown) 2:1662:6:80:1 //Toggle channel's plugin editor: Ctrl+Alt+P (KeyDown) 2:1062:0:93:1 //Show note properties: APPLICATION (KeyDown) 2:1007:2:65:5 //Transpose +1: Ctrl+A (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1008:2:81:1 //Transpose -1: Ctrl+Q (KeyDown) 2:1009:6:65:5 //Transpose +12: Ctrl+Alt+A (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1010:6:81:5 //Transpose -12: Ctrl+Alt+Q (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1881:2:84:1 //Transpose Custom: Ctrl+T (KeyDown) 2:1012:2:77:1 //Amplify selection: Ctrl+M (KeyDown) 2:1014:2:74:1 //Interpolate volume: Ctrl+J (KeyDown) 2:1015:2:75:1 //Interpolate effect: Ctrl+K (KeyDown) 2:1016:4:66:1 //Open effect visualizer: Alt+B (KeyDown) 2:1013:2:73:1 //Apply current instrument: Ctrl+I (KeyDown) 2:1660:4:69:5 //Grow selection: Alt+E (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1661:4:68:5 //Shrink selection: Alt+D (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1058:0:46:1 //Clear field: SUPPR (KeyDown) 2:1664:1:190:1 //Clear field (IT Style): Shift+; (KeyDown) 2:1059:2:46:1 //Clear row and step: Ctrl+SUPPR (KeyDown) 2:1665:1:46:5 //Clear field and step (IT Style): Shift+SUPPR (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1061:0:8:5 //Delete rows: RET.ARR (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1377:2:8:5 //Delete all rows: Ctrl+RET.ARR (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1378:0:45:1 //Insert Row: INS (KeyDown) 2:1379:2:45:1 //Insert All Rows: Ctrl+INS (KeyDown) 2:1055:0:109:5 //Previous pattern: - (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown|KeyHold) 2:1054:0:107:5 //Next pattern: + (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown|KeyHold) //----( Pattern Context [bottom] - Note Col (3) )------------ 3:1064:0:65:5 //Base octave C: A (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1065:0:90:5 //Base octave C#: Z (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1066:0:69:5 //Base octave D: E (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1067:0:82:5 //Base octave D#: R (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1068:0:84:5 //Base octave E: T (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1069:0:89:5 //Base octave F: Y (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1070:0:85:5 //Base octave F#: U (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1071:0:73:5 //Base octave G: I (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1072:0:79:5 //Base octave G#: O (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1073:0:80:5 //Base octave +1 A: P (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1074:0:221:5 //Base octave +1 A#: ACCENT CIRCONFLEXE (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1075:0:186:5 //Base octave +1 B: $ (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1076:0:81:5 //Base octave +1 C: Q (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1077:0:83:5 //Base octave +1 C#: S (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1078:0:68:5 //Base octave +1 D: D (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1079:0:70:5 //Base octave +1 D#: F (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1080:0:71:5 //Base octave +1 E: G (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1081:0:72:5 //Base octave +1 F: H (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1082:0:74:5 //Base octave +1 F#: J (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1083:0:75:5 //Base octave +1 G: K (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1084:0:76:5 //Base octave +1 G#: L (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1085:0:77:5 //Base octave +2 A: M (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1086:0:192:5 //Base octave +2 A#: ù (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1087:0:220:5 //Base octave +2 B: * (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1088:0:87:5 //Base octave +2 C: W (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1089:0:88:5 //Base octave +2 C#: X (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1090:0:67:5 //Base octave +2 D: C (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1091:0:86:5 //Base octave +2 D#: V (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1092:0:66:5 //Base octave +2 E: B (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1093:0:78:5 //Base octave +2 F: N (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1094:0:188:5 //Base octave +2 F#: , (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1095:0:190:5 //Base octave +2 G: ; (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1096:0:191:5 //Base octave +2 G#: : (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1097:0:223:5 //Base octave +3 A: ! (KeyDown|KeyHold) 3:1212:0:48:1 //Set octave 0: à (KeyDown) 3:1212:0:96:1 //Set octave 0: 0 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 3:1213:0:49:1 //Set octave 1: & (KeyDown) 3:1214:0:50:1 //Set octave 2: é (KeyDown) 3:1215:0:51:1 //Set octave 3: " (KeyDown) 3:1216:0:52:1 //Set octave 4: ' (KeyDown) 3:1217:0:53:1 //Set octave 5: ( (KeyDown) 3:1218:0:54:1 //Set octave 6: - (KeyDown) 3:1219:0:55:1 //Set octave 7: è (KeyDown) 3:1220:0:56:1 //Set octave 8: _ (KeyDown) 3:1221:0:57:1 //Set octave 9: ç (KeyDown) 3:1316:1:16:1 //Chord Modifier: Shift+MAJ (KeyDown) 3:1200:0:222:1 //Note cut: ² (KeyDown) 3:1201:0:187:1 //Note off: = (KeyDown) //----( Pattern Context [bottom] - Ins Col (4) )------------ 4:1202:0:96:1 //Set instrument digit 0: 0 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1202:0:48:1 //Set instrument digit 0: à (KeyDown) 4:1203:0:97:1 //Set instrument digit 1: 1 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1203:0:49:1 //Set instrument digit 1: & (KeyDown) 4:1204:0:98:1 //Set instrument digit 2: 2 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1204:0:50:1 //Set instrument digit 2: é (KeyDown) 4:1205:0:99:1 //Set instrument digit 3: 3 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1205:0:51:1 //Set instrument digit 3: " (KeyDown) 4:1206:0:100:1 //Set instrument digit 4: 4 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1206:0:52:1 //Set instrument digit 4: ' (KeyDown) 4:1207:0:101:1 //Set instrument digit 5: 5 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1207:0:53:1 //Set instrument digit 5: ( (KeyDown) 4:1208:0:102:1 //Set instrument digit 6: 6 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1208:0:54:1 //Set instrument digit 6: - (KeyDown) 4:1209:0:103:1 //Set instrument digit 7: 7 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1209:0:55:1 //Set instrument digit 7: è (KeyDown) 4:1210:0:104:1 //Set instrument digit 8: 8 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1211:0:105:1 //Set instrument digit 9: 9 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 4:1211:0:57:1 //Set instrument digit 9: ç (KeyDown) //----( Pattern Context [bottom] - Vol Col (5) )------------ 5:1222:0:48:1 //Set volume digit 0: à (KeyDown) 5:1222:0:96:1 //Set volume digit 0: 0 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1223:0:49:1 //Set volume digit 1: & (KeyDown) 5:1223:0:97:1 //Set volume digit 1: 1 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1224:0:50:1 //Set volume digit 2: é (KeyDown) 5:1224:0:98:1 //Set volume digit 2: 2 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1225:0:51:1 //Set volume digit 3: " (KeyDown) 5:1225:0:99:1 //Set volume digit 3: 3 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1226:0:52:1 //Set volume digit 4: ' (KeyDown) 5:1226:0:100:1 //Set volume digit 4: 4 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1227:0:53:1 //Set volume digit 5: ( (KeyDown) 5:1227:0:101:1 //Set volume digit 5: 5 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1228:0:54:1 //Set volume digit 6: - (KeyDown) 5:1228:0:102:1 //Set volume digit 6: 6 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1229:0:55:1 //Set volume digit 7: è (KeyDown) 5:1229:0:103:1 //Set volume digit 7: 7 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1230:0:56:1 //Set volume digit 8: _ (KeyDown) 5:1231:0:57:1 //Set volume digit 9: ç (KeyDown) 5:1231:0:105:1 //Set volume digit 9: 9 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 5:1232:0:86:1 //Vol command - volume: V (KeyDown) 5:1233:0:80:1 //Vol command - pan: P (KeyDown) 5:1234:0:67:1 //Vol command - vol slide up: C (KeyDown) 5:1235:0:68:1 //Vol command - vol slide down: D (KeyDown) 5:1236:0:65:1 //Vol command - vol fine slide up: A (KeyDown) 5:1237:0:66:1 //Vol command - vol fine slide down: B (KeyDown) 5:1238:0:85:1 //Vol command - vibrato speed: U (KeyDown) 5:1239:0:72:1 //Vol command - vibrato: H (KeyDown) 5:1240:0:76:1 //Vol command - XM pan left: L (KeyDown) 5:1241:0:82:1 //Vol command - XM pan right: R (KeyDown) 5:1242:0:71:1 //Vol command - Portamento: G (KeyDown) 5:1243:0:70:1 //Vol command - Portamento Up: F (KeyDown) 5:1244:0:69:1 //Vol command - Portamento Down: E (KeyDown) 5:1246:0:79:1 //Vol command - Offset: O (KeyDown) //----( Pattern Context [bottom] - FX Col (6) )------------ 6:1294:0:220:1 //FX midi macro slide: * (KeyDown) 6:1295:1:186:1 //FX pseudo-velocity (experimental): Shift+$ (KeyDown) //----( Pattern Context [bottom] - Param Col (7) )------------ 7:1247:0:48:1 //FX Param digit 0: à (KeyDown) 7:1247:0:96:1 //FX Param digit 0: 0 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1248:0:49:1 //FX Param digit 1: & (KeyDown) 7:1248:0:97:1 //FX Param digit 1: 1 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1249:0:50:1 //FX Param digit 2: é (KeyDown) 7:1249:0:98:1 //FX Param digit 2: 2 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1250:0:51:1 //FX Param digit 3: " (KeyDown) 7:1250:0:99:1 //FX Param digit 3: 3 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1251:0:52:1 //FX Param digit 4: ' (KeyDown) 7:1251:0:100:1 //FX Param digit 4: 4 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1252:0:53:1 //FX Param digit 5: ( (KeyDown) 7:1252:0:101:1 //FX Param digit 5: 5 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1253:0:54:1 //FX Param digit 6: - (KeyDown) 7:1253:0:102:1 //FX Param digit 6: 6 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1254:0:55:1 //FX Param digit 7: è (KeyDown) 7:1254:0:103:1 //FX Param digit 7: 7 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1255:0:56:1 //FX Param digit 8: _ (KeyDown) 7:1255:0:104:1 //FX Param digit 8: 8 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1256:0:57:1 //FX Param digit 9: ç (KeyDown) 7:1256:0:105:1 //FX Param digit 9: 9 (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 7:1257:0:65:1 //FX Param digit A: A (KeyDown) 7:1258:0:66:1 //FX Param digit B: B (KeyDown) 7:1259:0:67:1 //FX Param digit C: C (KeyDown) 7:1260:0:68:1 //FX Param digit D: D (KeyDown) 7:1261:0:69:1 //FX Param digit E: E (KeyDown) 7:1262:0:70:1 //FX Param digit F: F (KeyDown) //----( Sample Context [bottom] (8) )------------ 8:1380:2:84:1 //Trim sample around loop points: Ctrl+T (KeyDown) 8:1383:0:8:1 //Silence sample selection: RET.ARR (KeyDown) 8:1385:3:65:1 //Amplify Sample: Shift+Ctrl+A (KeyDown) 8:1381:3:82:1 //Reverse sample: Shift+Ctrl+R (KeyDown) 8:1382:0:46:1 //Delete sample selection: SUPPR (KeyDown) 8:1386:0:107:1 //Zoom Out: + (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) 8:1387:0:109:1 //Zoom In: - (PAVE NUM.) (KeyDown) //----( Instrument Context [bottom] (9) )------------ //----( Comments Context [bottom] (10) )------------ //----( Unknown Context (11) )------------ //----( Unknown Context (12) )------------ //----( Plugin GUI Context (13) )------------ //----( General Context [top] (14) )------------ //----( Pattern Context [top] (15) )------------ //----( Sample Context [top] (16) )------------ //----( Instrument Context [top] (17) )------------ 17:1851:2:68:1 //Duplicate instrument: Ctrl+D (KeyDown) 17:1850:3:69:1 //Edit sample map: Shift+Ctrl+E (KeyDown) 17:1849:2:69:1 //Edit current sample: Ctrl+E (KeyDown) 17:1846:3:77:1 //Map all notes to selected note: Shift+Ctrl+M (KeyDown) 17:1847:2:77:1 //Map all notes to selected sample: Ctrl+M (KeyDown) 17:1848:2:82:1 //Reset note mapping: Ctrl+R (KeyDown) 17:1843:2:81:1 //Transpose +1 (note map): Ctrl+Q (KeyDown) 17:1842:2:65:1 //Transpose -1 (note map): Ctrl+A (KeyDown) 17:1845:3:81:1 //Transpose +12 (note map): Shift+Ctrl+Q (KeyDown) 17:1844:3:65:1 //Transpose -12 (note map): Shift+Ctrl+A (KeyDown) //----( Comments Context [top] (18) )------------ //----( Orderlist (19) )------------ 19:1802:0:46:5 //Delete Order: DELETE (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1803:0:45:5 //Insert Order: INSERT (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1804:0:13:5 //Edit Pattern: ENTER (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1805:0:9:5 //Switch to pattern editor: TAB (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1794:0:37:5 //Previous Order: LEFT (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1794:0:38:5 //Previous Order: UP (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1795:0:39:5 //Next Order: RIGHT (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1795:0:40:5 //Next Order: DOWN (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1796:0:36:5 //First Order: HOME (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1797:0:35:5 //Last Order: END (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1807:0:48:5 //Pattern index digit 0: 0 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1807:0:96:5 //Pattern index digit 0: NUM 0 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1808:0:49:5 //Pattern index digit 1: 1 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1808:0:97:5 //Pattern index digit 1: NUM 1 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1809:0:50:5 //Pattern index digit 2: 2 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1809:0:98:5 //Pattern index digit 2: NUM 2 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1810:0:51:5 //Pattern index digit 3: 3 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1810:0:99:5 //Pattern index digit 3: NUM 3 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1811:0:52:5 //Pattern index digit 4: 4 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1811:0:100:5 //Pattern index digit 4: NUM 4 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1812:0:53:5 //Pattern index digit 5: 5 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1812:0:101:5 //Pattern index digit 5: NUM 5 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1813:0:54:5 //Pattern index digit 6: 6 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1813:0:102:5 //Pattern index digit 6: NUM 6 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1814:0:55:5 //Pattern index digit 7: 7 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1814:0:103:5 //Pattern index digit 7: NUM 7 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1815:0:56:5 //Pattern index digit 8: 8 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1815:0:104:5 //Pattern index digit 8: NUM 8 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1816:0:57:5 //Pattern index digit 9: 9 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1816:0:105:5 //Pattern index digit 9: NUM 9 (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1817:0:107:5 //Increase pattern index : NUM PLUS (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1817:0:187:5 //Increase pattern index : + (KeyDown|KeyHold) 19:1818:0:109:1 //Decrease pattern index: NUM SUB (KeyDown) 19:1818:0:189:1 //Decrease pattern index: - (KeyDown) 19:1875:2:76:1 //Lock Playback to Selection: Ctrl+L (KeyDown) 19:1876:2:85:1 //Unlock Playback: Ctrl+U (KeyDown)