# # .shrc - bourne shell startup file # # This file will be used if the shell is invoked for interactive use and # the environment variable ENV is set to this file. # # see also sh(1), environ(7). # # file permissions: rwxr-xr-x # # umask 022 # Uncomment this to enable the builtin vi(1) command line editor in sh(1), # e.g. ESC to go into visual mode. # set -o vi # some useful aliases alias h='fc -l' alias j=jobs alias m="$PAGER" alias ll='ls -laFo' alias l='ls -l' alias g='egrep -i' # # be paranoid # alias cp='cp -ip' # alias mv='mv -i' # alias rm='rm -i' # # csh like history on arrow up and down bind ^[[A ed-search-prev-history bind ^[[B ed-search-next-history # # ctrl+arrow allow to jump from words to words bind "\\e[1;5C" em-next-word bind "\\e[1;5D" ed-prev-word alias history='fc -l' # Fix home/del for mobaxterm bind ^[[5~ ed-move-to-beg bind ^[[6~ ed-move-to-end # set prompt: ``username@hostname:directory $ '' PS1="\u@\h:\w \\$ " # search path for cd(1) # CDPATH=:$HOME #transset .75 -i $(xwininfo -name xterm | grep 'Window id' | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/.*id: //' -e 's/ .*//') # Set aliases if an .aliases file exists. if [ -x "$HOME/.aliases" ] ; then . .aliases ; fi # Set transparency on window creation if pseudo-tty until success. tty | grep pts >/dev/null && echo $TERM | grep -v tmux >/dev/null && until transset .75 -a 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null ; do :; done if [ $TERM = "xterm" ] ; then echo -n "]4;0;#0C1111]4;1;#633032]4;2;#425D4F]4;3;#715949]4;4;#1E2838]4;5;#5D353A]4;6;#4F7475]4;7;#769B7B]4;8;#595C51]4;9;#A1615A]4;10;#6B917E]4;11;#ACA285]4;12;#425C7B]4;13;#9E8095]4;14;#79A7A8]4;15;#CBCBCB]1;Process $$" ; fi