____ W e l c o m e _____ t o : / \ _____ __________ | \ __________________ ___ __ '''',,, / ___\| \| || \| \ | |___ /___ / \ \/ / ;| / '''\ \ | O /| || | || |\ || | / / / / \ / ;| / , " .\ \ | _/ | || | || || || | / /__ / /__ / / ;" , .;\ \ |__| |__||__|__|| || ||__|/______/______|/__/ | / . ___\ \ | |/ | ; ; ..\ / | / ' ..;|\____/ |____/ . ' .;|;/ _________ |.;|' ._____-----===""""" """"----____ ' ,|.;| (___ _____) . ,#|..;| \.."""""""-------________-----"""""..../ ,#/..;| \:\::::::\......\....../.....::::/:::/ /##/.;| "-""-_::_\::::::\::::/""-_:::_-""--" /###|,;;| "" \::::/""__" "-" |###/..,|https://muck.spindizzy.org "--" |##/....| muck.spindizzy.org The Successor to \#|..;;| ____ ____ ____ /..;;| Port 7072, SSL 7073 |_ _|| -- | -- |__| |__| &|__| 'connect ' to connect. 'connect guest guest' to try out life as a guest. 'WHO' lists who's awake; 'QUIT' (all caps) leaves us. connect guest guest ########################### WELCOME TO SPINDIZZY ############################ ## Please type 'news behaviour' for an explanation of how SpinDizzy's ## ## Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) applies to behaviour on the muck in general.## ## It covers when certain types of behaviour are and are not appropriate, ## ## and also how to react when someone's behaviour is upsetting you. ## ## * Useful Commands: ## ## +read, cread - The global bulletin boards. ## ## events - Find out what's going on around here! ## ## map, luge, bus- Gets you around SpinDizzy. ## ## @shout - @shout something IMPORTANT you want all to hear. ## ## wa, find - Find out where everyone is. ## ## ## ## (Updated 08/20/2013) Type 'news legal' for our legal document. By ## ## continuing to access SpinDizzy, you agree to the terms in the document. ## ############################################################################# Newcomer's Island(#1603RDA) This appears to be a rather constrictive inkwell, jammed full of characters. A little bit of Volleybunny ink drops on you; through it one can see the rose garden that's out there and the people in it. Among other things, the world outside the inkwell offers housing that isn't so cramped, or so wet. You might choose to visit the Rose Garden by typing 'out', or the park of the day by typing 'park'. You can return to this area by typing 'new'. If you're new to MUCKing, you can get a short list of important commands by typing 'commands'. If you'd like a character, you can page a wizard who's on duty -- they're listed by typing 'wizzes' -- or if none are available, send an email with the name you want and some information about your character to character@spindizzy.org and if there's no difficulties, the persona will be created. It's highly recommended to take look around SpinDizzy and talk to other residents before requesting a character. If you *have* a character and would like automated help setting it up, or re-setting it, you may wish to try typing the 'setup' command from here. You can get help finding a home by typing 'homefinder', or type 'homefinder #help' for more options. If you need help, try paging helpstaff or a wizard (type 'helpstaff' or 'wizzes' for a list of such people), or for basic help type 'commands'. The cold air is still and crisp. Stars give the snow a ghostly appearance. It seems like it's around 4 am. Obvious Exits: character setup (for after you have a character), and out You are currently a female Volleybunny. You may wish to 'look me' and 'smell me' to see how you look and smell to other people. Please enjoy your experiences here. Players online for whom you are watching: Austin Done. Welcome to SpinDizzy!. You have connected as Guest1. ## You have now connected to Spindizzy 2995 times. Today is 01/04/22 and it is now 21:58:59 Spindizzy (Pacific) Time. ## There are 0 event(s) occuring today and more events are occuring within the next 3 days on SpinDizzy. t pquarters You feel a wrenching sensation... Patashu's Personal Quarters(#29396RLJA) While the base is constantly busy manufacturing and researching and testing and shipping and soforth, Patashu often desires to have a space of his own to work on personal projects or to have discussions with friends and associates. The quarters start with an open foyer of sorts - having a lounge and holographic computer systems, workbenches and scientific equipment and a table (with the company logo emblazoned in gold along its surface) that can be used for conferences, gaming and eating just as easily. (Of course, there are amneties for organic visitors - food, water, beds and all!) (Oh yes, and there IS a pile of 'cushions' and 'beanbags'.) From the holographic screens, all activity of the base can be monitored, and base databases/security feeds accessed. Off to one side, a personal hangar has a huge, rotary rack of different robotic parts and even alternate bodies that can be swapped into and out of, as well as a maintenance system with automated scaffold lined with robotic arms. Kobolds clean, maintain and can be called upon for any necessary task. Posters and blueprints line many of the walls, some of them of products the base builds, some of them gaming related or based on legendary mecha, and the noise of the surrounding base is (mostly) dampened. Among the Cushions, you see it is empty. Obvious Exits: [C]ypher's Room, [Dive] into Cushions, [Isa]ak's Room, [K]andra's Room, [R]alis's Room, [Tan]ya's Room, and ne/out Contents: Voksa, Mako, Niny'ah, Vahno, Dawnwing, Chevesh, Samnang, Kandra, NovaSquirrel, Li-Ge-IA-6, Kamare, Patashu, Fenrir, Moriar, Mechanizing Ray Mk.II, PI Bulletin Board, Dragon Hoard Meter, Speers Errand, Gilded Waterfall, Union-made coffee dispenser, Flamenado Commemorative Snowglobe, Megagiant Ultraplush Nanite, Weather Machine, Private Magma Spa/Shower, Wall Mural In Crayon, Toony Card Press, Refractory Tube Game, Bandit's Den, Paddling Pool, Epoch - Temporal Long Sword, Ornamental Pink Ingot, Chunk of Paradoxium, Cardboard City, DanceRush Stardom Arcade Cabinet, DanceDanceRevolution A20+ Arcade Cabinet, Doggy Bed, A Sign - Interaction Guidelines (look sign), A copy of Femashu's fabulously decadent hoard, The Snack Bar, Excessively Large Dragon's Hoard Missing Just Enough Gold That Only A Dragon Would Notice, Chromatic Elixir, Cohesive Energy Anomaly, and Extropia 16384 ## There are possible hidden listeners here. WhereAre 1.3b -- 148 Characters awake -- 1 to show a room -Location--------------Characters-Comments----------------------------------- AAPC - Sociology Laboratory 1 It's not that you're not good enough... - Present: November(Z) = Directions: :luge S5 E1, d, nw, n Off-Brand Candy Shop 1 ch, n, sw, 108 - Present: Berkeley(Z) = Directions: ch, n, sw, 108 AAPC - Vestibule 1 It's not that you're not good enough... - Present: Steele(Z) = Directions: luge S5 E1, d, nw Quodlibet-Spengo High Orbit 1 Space! - Present: Sunskimmer(Z) = Directions: rose; up, up, o, ho Patashu's Personal Quarters 12 The heart of industry! (Yep, it's public!) - Present: Guest1 Voksa Mako Niny'ah Vahno Dawnwing Chevesh Kandra - NovaSquirrel Li-Ge-IA-6(Z) Patashu = Directions: t pquarters or luge n11 w2,b,n,sw Industrial Cyber Forest 1 The heart of industry! (Yep, it's public!) = Directions: t #29446 or luge n11 w2,b,n,ne,ne The Rose Garden 4 The Rose Garden, center of the world! - Present: Gwen Borris Sherbet(Z) = Directions: rose Tin Lizzie's Sleek Fittings 1 Clothing for all forms and all occasions - Present: Sonja(Z) = Directions: luge N3 E0, SF Public Dorms/Workshops 2 The heart of industry! - Present: Nova Raindrop(Z) = Directions: t #30940 or luge n11 w2,b,n,n,e Observatory Foyer 1 Qualia Hoard of Voksa. = Directions: Luge N10 W3, In Courtyard 1 The hub of 000's nanotechnology! (Public) - Present: .Patashu(Z) = Directions: t #3333 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 rooms listed. [OOC] Dawnwing awwwww Patashu heee. Niny'ah kisses nose page chevesh=sorry, it was hard to read with telnet. what were you saying You page, "sorry, it was hard to read with telnet. what were you saying" to Chevesh. Voksa wags tail. "Hullo." Patashu rumbles, "Oh no, cute." page chevesh=so no i'm finding myself banned or stigmaized and outcasted from various scifi writing and furry communities because Voksa's slader, from a misunderstanding they refuse to resolve You page, "so no i'm finding myself banned or stigmaized and outcasted from various scifi writing and furry communities because Voksa's slader, from a misunderstanding they refuse to resolve" to Chevesh. page chevesh=I don't want to lose you too You page, "I don't want to lose you too" to Chevesh. page chevesh=i liked roleplaying with you and i liked xedwa You page, "i liked roleplaying with you and i liked xedwa" to Chevesh. Chevesh whispers, "This is my final ruling: I don't know who you are. But I know Voksa. And I'm being asked to pick sides based on hearsay and second-hand accounts for drama I have nothing to do with. The end result of this conversation is: I'm not going to lie and say I can count as a character witness for you, when I can't. And I'm really not interested in expanding my sphere of social interaction beyond the MUCK and discord." to you. Patashu sits back, tapping earfin with a foreclaw Mako hmm. Chevesh whispers, "Yeah, the RP was nice, and I was really starting to like you. But trying to draw me into this drama is really annoying me." to you. page chevesh=please understand i can not explain everthing here, and I am asking for your help to continue being here. If I can negotiate some alternative contact method for you i can show you with logs what's going on You page, "please understand i can not explain everthing here, and I am asking for your help to continue being here. If I can negotiate some alternative contact method for you i can show you with logs what's going on" to Chevesh. [OOC] Voksa says, "Oh no, I just noticed the FIREWORK parts in KSP" page chevesh=I just need someone to vouch for me that they enjoyed my presence here on the muck [OOC] Dawnwing says, "'Splosions" You page, "I just need someone to vouch for me that they enjoyed my presence here on the muck" to Chevesh. [OOC] Mako says, "It's not KSP if at least half of your ships don't go up in flames." page chevesh=and that they don't want me banned You page, "and that they don't want me banned" to Chevesh. [OOC] Voksa says, "bahaha" [OOC] Dawnwing says, "SPONSORED BY TORGUE" [OOC] Voksa says, "I've chosen to complicate my game considerably, with a handful of mods and much harder settings." [OOC] Patashu says, "haha" page chevesh=can you at least do that for me? You page, "can you at least do that for me?" to Chevesh. [OOC] Kandra blinks, and sniffs curiously. ...you get infinite retries in science mode, though, right? Chevesh whispers, "I already did that. Ping asked me, and I told her that I didn't have anything negative to say about you, other than that you were a little controlling when you were telling Relee to stop using voice chat during the Xedwa RP. That my interactions with you were pleasant. But I also told her that I'd heard no rumors, didn't know what was going on, and did not know you well enough to vouch as a witness to your character." to you. [OOC] Voksa says, "Yeah, still doing science mode. There's no money, so destroying things doesn't mean much." [OOC] Voksa says, "(Even astronauts are eventually mysteriously recovered. Or perhaps cloned.)" page chevesh=well ok. when did that happen? You page, "well ok. when did that happen?" to Chevesh. [OOC] Mako says, "We get Jeb in six packs now, it's just easier" [OOC] Dawnwing says, "Why not both" Chevesh whispers, "Right after your shout about being banned." to you. [OOC] Niny'ah says, "bahahaha" [OOC] Voksa says, "We can rebuild him..." [OOC] Li-Ge-IA-6 says, "Haven't played KSP in ages." page chevesh=could you talk to the other people we've played with, especially in xedway and get them to tell ping as such as well? You page, "could you talk to the other people we've played with, especially in xedway and get them to tell ping as such as well?" to Chevesh. [OOC] Dawnwing says, "I haven't played it at all but I've heard of some of the memes" page chevesh=I really want to continue the last xedway mission You page, "I really want to continue the last xedway mission" to Chevesh. page chevesh=xedway You page, "xedway" to Chevesh. page chevesh=xedwa You page, "xedwa" to Chevesh. Chevesh whispers, "I'll give Ping the list of names from Xedwa, and suggest that she ask them." to you. [OOC] Kandra says, "Disposable astronauts make everything so much easier, don't they." page chevesh=ok You page, "ok" to Chevesh. [OOC] Voksa says, "I haven't lost any astronauts yet!" page chevesh=chevesh, can you imagine how I must be feeling right now? You page, "chevesh, can you imagine how I must be feeling right now?" to Chevesh. page chevesh=I really loved it here and this place was right up my ally.I even began to create my own worlds and items which i wanted to share You page, "I really loved it here and this place was right up my ally.I even began to create my own worlds and items which i wanted to share" to Chevesh. [OOC] Kandra says, "I...*am* curious what mods you're using" [OOC] Voksa says, "*takes deep breath*" Chevesh whispers, "No, I can't. Because I don't know you. And I'm not going to take hearsay as fact." to you. [OOC] Dawnwing says, "All of them?" page chevesh=and also, is there something going on with Ping where they would cause them to act so rashly and harashly? You page, "and also, is there something going on with Ping where they would cause them to act so rashly and harashly?" to Chevesh. page chevesh=maybe more staff eyes on this would be better. and about hearsay, that's completely understandable. that's what this whole thing is about You page, "maybe more staff eyes on this would be better. and about hearsay, that's completely understandable. that's what this whole thing is about" to Chevesh. [OOC] Voksa says, "Mechjeb, Restock, Restock+, Trajectories, Outer Planets, the Near Future mods, Cryogenic Engines, Kerbal Atomics, and Heat Control." page chevesh=hearsay that causes people to get outcasted You page, "hearsay that causes people to get outcasted" to Chevesh. Chevesh whispers, "I see no evidence that she did act rashly or harshly. But strictly, no, I don't think there's anything going on with her that would cause her to act that way, that I'm aware of. Really, she usually stays well back and doesn't get involved in things, from my experience. It takes something really drastic for her to step in and moderate people. I feel like she doesn't enjoy that part of the job at all." to you. page chevesh=I'm literally crying right now You page, "I'm literally crying right now" to Chevesh. page chevesh=well, if it's not too much to ask I would like to be let know what's going on periodicly. I'll check in here so you don't have to go anywhere You page, "well, if it's not too much to ask I would like to be let know what's going on periodicly. I'll check in here so you don't have to go anywhere" to Chevesh. [OOC] Kandra says, "ah" page chevesh=but if you find out i've been unbanned or something and i'm not here you know how to contact me You page, "but if you find out i've been unbanned or something and i'm not here you know how to contact me" to Chevesh. page chevesh=i still wanted to hunt you You page, "i still wanted to hunt you" to Chevesh. page chevesh=or be hunted. and i was goingto say tonight before i was told i was going to be imminently banned and drama started You page, "or be hunted. and i was goingto say tonight before i was told i was going to be imminently banned and drama started" to Chevesh. page chevesh=that I saw your fox-hunting medal, and as a fox i was worried You page, "that I saw your fox-hunting medal, and as a fox i was worried" to Chevesh. page chevesh=wanted to ask you about that really You page, "wanted to ask you about that really" to Chevesh. page chevesh=but not now of course. I literally can barely do anything right now You page, "but not now of course. I literally can barely do anything right now" to Chevesh. Mako gets out her PDAVice. "... tooo many projects. :x" page chevesh=i just need the support of my friends You page, "i just need the support of my friends" to Chevesh. Chevesh whispers, "It was nice knowing you, Agris. We had a couple of fun moments. But you're really talking to the wrong person, if you want to build a case here. I might be the worst possible person for you to talk to. Because I tend to be pretty immune to emotional manipulation. I will tell Ping the names of the people in Xedwa, and forward your request. But I'm not going to do anything more than that. I'm not going to contact you outside of the MUCK, and I'm not going to wave a banner and fight for you to be allowed to stay. Partially because I have no idea what's going on, and I'm not going to be manipulated with second-hand stories I'm not sure of myself. Partially because I -am- a character witness for Voksa, and I admire them a lot. And partially because I trust Ping and Patashu without question. I think this is the end of our acquaintance." to you. Mako says, "Bweh. How do people manage having ideas?"" Patashu rumbles, "I recommend against it, personally." Patashu rumbles, "Return to monke and all that." page chevesh=I know i was here only for a short while, so everything is really stacked against me here. And that's terrible. I appreciate that, and if you do find someone who is a better person for this please do pass on my contact info You page, "I know i was here only for a short while, so everything is really stacked against me here. And that's terrible. I appreciate that, and if you do find someone who is a better person for this please do pass on my contact info" to Chevesh. Chevesh whispers, "Will do. I hope you have a nice night, Agris." to you. Chevesh teleports away. Chevesh has left. Mako says, "REturn to whatnow?" page chevesh=and to be clear, i'm not saying patashu or voksa is a bad character. Patashu is good. Voksa probably isn't intentionally doing this but they are certainly making things more difficult. What is going on here is a HUGE misunderstanding and a failure to communicate You page, "and to be clear, i'm not saying patashu or voksa is a bad character. Patashu is good. Voksa probably isn't intentionally doing this but they are certainly making things more difficult. What is going on here is a HUGE misunderstanding and a failure to communicate" to Chevesh. Patashu shows Mako https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/return-to-monke page chevesh=and i don't want this to be our last contact. You page, "and i don't want this to be our last contact." to Chevesh. Mako says, "... but I'm Cat." page chevesh=I'll still hunt you as a guest. and i won't drag you into any drama You page, "I'll still hunt you as a guest. and i won't drag you into any drama" to Chevesh. Patashu rumbles, "You can still share the sentiment!" page chevesh=goodnight You page, "goodnight" to Chevesh. Mako says, "Mm.. Sanity was a Mistake." Dawnwing says, "Was it? I wouldn't know!" Patashu rumbles, "It's not too late. We can still burn it all down and return to nature. =w=;" page patashu=hey patashu, what was said about me during the period directly after I was booted off? You page, "hey patashu, what was said about me during the period directly after I was booted off?" to Patashu. Voksa says, "How exactly do *you* return to nature?" [OOC] Kandra says, "Nature sucked. It's only gonna get worse, too." Patashu shit. He was hoping he didn't get called out on that. Patashu rumbles, "I just have to uhhh" Patashu rumbles, "find one of them planets with a naturally occuring mechnaosphere" Dawnwing huh Kandra helpfully chimes in, "You might have to, like, go live in your own junkyard? I looked in there one time..." Mako says, "No, no, you go Full Bender and get a wood body." Patashu rumbles, "Ah, yes. I'll disappear back into the primordial soup." Patashu hmm... page patashu=let me know if your typing or ignoring me. I'm only here for a few moments on public wifi because my account was banned and i was ip banned trying to exchange contact information. Unfortunately most people seem to have a bad stigma about me now and i'm being outcasted You page, "let me know if your typing or ignoring me. I'm only here for a few moments on public wifi because my account was banned and i was ip banned trying to exchange contact information. Unfortunately most people seem to have a bad stigma about me now and i'm being outcasted" to Patashu.