Wiikifox's den - about

Table of Contents

some personal data

  • name: Marlow D. Alfonso Díaz
  • birthday: 2009/03/01
  • birthplace: Cienfuegos, Cuba

had to get that out of the way :P

personal ideals and alignments

if there's something constant to me, is that i'm always changing. but there are some ideals that have become a part of me, forever and ever.


freedom is the core escence of the being; or at least, that's what it is for me. no one, absolutely no one, should be able to limit your actions and expression but yourself. that also mean that you, as a person, should not limit the actions and expression of others.


closely related to freedom, equality gives us all the same power of creation and expression. our reality is the biggest piece of art that has ever existed, and everyone should get their fair share of the canvas.


close your eyes, and write down what you see, after the darkness fades away. that image is unique, and could only come from one person: you. give it to someone else, an image will form in their heads too, but that image won't be the same: rather, it will be another unique creation, an irreplazable one. human beings are creative by nature; heck, being alive is creative by itself. i don't find greater pleasure than that of creating and sharing it with others, at the same time empowering them to create too.


trying to rule over the chaos is imposible, it is everywhere. you can't run away from it, and everything leads into chaos sooner or later. so, if you can't fight against it, why don't just embrace it? embrace chaos, embrace change and realize that nothing will last forever, and that it is better that way. don't change the things around you to fit a mold, change the mold to fit the things around you, stay open to new posibilities, and flow along the turbulent waters of existence.


there's not a point to life, why would it need it? isn't pure existence enough of a gift? do whatever you want, and let others do it too. do whatever makes you happy, and find ways to share that happiness with others.

the story of my life


i was born in the city of Cienfuegos, Cuba, the first day of march of the year 2009, but i dare to say that my life started much, much later, somewhere between september and november of 2023. let me explain.

my family was small, just me, my mother, and my father. my father was a careless man, and he wasn't afraid of doing anything, even at the risk (and cost) of his own life. my mother, on the other hand, was a whole different story. she was (and to the date still is) a Jehovah's Witness, and raised me as such. if you don't know about Jehovah's Witnesses, let me summarize it for you: it's a high control group, or as i personally like to call it, a cult.

growing up as a JW

being raised into this religion, it took control of my entire life pretty fast. they put rules over thought itself, so it's very hard for an individual to be themselves when part of this group, and that was the case for me. my real self was caged behind a fake mask, but that mask had a weakness. when i first got my hands on the internet, i just followed blindly the advice of the "society", the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. but, as time passed, i was getting more and more curious, and started to push boundaries, hiding from myself in a way.

i found a place inside the furry fandom, a sense of comunity that i had never felt before. the fandom helped to slowly remove the built-in hatred and homophobia that is ingrained into JWs.

a shine of light

luckily, i stumbled uppon free software and it's ideals pretty fast, and before i noticed i was already running linux and writing code. computers have always been a passion for me, and thanks to them i was liberated. i gave a try to stuff like Fediverse, and while it wasn't for me, it gave me the closest i had at the moment to real world interactions, since JWs aren't allowed to socialize outside of their religion. one day, scrolling through profiles, i found a link to something that i had never heard about before: a tilde, specifically unix.dog. (Yuril, if you ever read this, thanks. you can't imagine how much that link in your website changed my life). i exitedly filled in the form and submitted an application to join, and a few weeks later, i was in.


this was probably one of the most important parts of my life. unix.dog offered an XMPP server, and i joined and met the members of the group. through XMPP i've met people that have changed my life, a lot. i clearly remember a conversation i had with someone, who will just refer to as Wallabra, the nick he was using on one of the MUCs i was a part of at the time. when i mentioned i was a JW, he was fairly surprised. thanks to him, i heard for the first time the attrocities the organization had made, and very good arguments against my whole belief system. i ignored him at first, as my "bible trained concience" (brainwash) told me to do; but the seed was there already. i slowly started to question everything i did, i started to be more skeptical towards everything. pretty soon i that the "truth" that i believed in my whole life, was nothing but a scam, a very cruel and elaborate scam.


i kept making friends on XMPP, my secret gateway to the real world at that time, and met some more people that have helped me to reach where i am right now. since i have not gotten permission from any of them to use their identity here, i'll just list their display names and link to their websites if they have one.

looking forward

on July of 2024, i left Jehovah's Witnesses once and forever. it was not an easy choice, but the people listed above and some other more really helped me to go through it, and i couldn't be more grateful.

for all of this reasons is that i consider that my life didn't start when i was born, my life started the day i joined unix.dog, the day i tasted freedom for the first time, and the day i met the people who've been holding my hand during all this time. i'm still struggling with tough situations, related to life and family, but with the help of them i've been able to put a foot on the ground and state my claim, state that i will never surrender my freedom, no matter what.

contact info

you can reach me out at any of the contact methods below, i don't bite! (usually)

i'm always open to meet new people, and who knows? maybe one of us can change the other's life forever :P